Thursday, September 29, 2011

15 Months


Cole turned 15 months yesterday. It’s amazing how he attempts and accomplishes something new everyday . He’s testing his boundaries and becoming more independent. He is such a joy to be around and really is one happy little boy. So here is what little man is up to these days;

-He is walking or running everywhere. It’s amazing the amount of energy this boy has. He does not like to be strapped into anything (stroller, car seat, shopping cart).

-He is a talker. He has really started trying to repeat what we say which isn’t always a good thing. Especially when he smiles and says No No No while pointing at you. Currently he has said; Mama, Dada, Poppy, Cat, Apple, Cup, Bye Bye, No, No More, Yes, Bubbles, Up, Out, Blueberry, Duck, Ball, Bear, Shoes and More. More is his favorite word. He says it like Mooore all drawn out and it’s so freaking adorable. He’s learned that the word More can be used in almost any context, when we turn the TV off he points to it and says More. Dinner time we hear More after each bite (even when he’s feeding himself). When we blow bubbles for him he shouts More.

-He really seems to understand a lot of what we are saying these days. If we ask him to get his shoes he will go and pick them up and attempt to put them on his feet. He brushes his hair and teeth when we ask him to. He can understand lots of simple commands and it sometimes surprises us. Like the other day when I asked him to throw away something. He picked up a paper towel off the ground and walked over and put it in the trash can. Wow!

-He loves putting things in boxes and bins. Then taking them out again.

-Likes to pick out a book then bring it to us to read to him. He can point out each animal we ask him to find. It’s crazy cool.

-Likes to feed himself. Which can be messy. He’s eating has greatly improved over the past month. He has welcomed new foods and has started to learn that throwing his food is no bueno.

-Likes to scribble with chalk on the sidewalk.

-Loves being outside so much. In fact most times he gets really worked up is when it’s time to go inside.

-Gives me a cheesy grin when I ask for a smile.



-Loves blankets. He will grab the large blankets in the family room and walk all around the house with them. He will take breaks and lay down and cuddle with them. No clue where he came up with this?

-Favorite toys right now is any car or ball. We do car races down our hallway every night. He chases and claps after them. Then brings them back to us so we can do it again.

-Still loves Toy Story 1-3. He calls it TT. He will sit for the entire movie if we let him. He laughs and talks to the Woody. Doesn’t really car for any other movies or cartoons. Occasionally Mickey Mouse Clubhouse but seems to be growing out of that.

-Will kiss pretty much anybody if you ask him to. Open mouth kisses always :)

-He is in size 5 diapers, size 5.5 shoe and wears 18-24 month clothing. He weighed in yesterday at the doctor’s office at 25lbs and a little over 31inches long. (55% percentile for both)

-He is starting to drop his morning nap. It’s been a slow transition over the last few weeks. Some days he won’t have it then other days he needs it. But the morning nap keeps getting shorter so I think we are close to one nap a day.

-He’s bedtime is around 7:15 and he sleeps till 7am. He says night night when he’s ready to go to bed. It’s so cute. He will walk over to his crib turn on the sheep and say night night.



Love this little guy so just keeps getting better and better!

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

In This House...

After talking about this post here and searching around I finally found what I was looking for on Etsy. It's just the right size and the colors go perfectly in my kitchen. It's a daily reminder of what is important to our family and I love seeing it everyday.!


Monday, September 26, 2011

My Weekend in Pictures

Much needed glass of wine.....After sitting in traffic for over 2hrs Friday evening.

Cole watching a little Toy Story 3 before bed in our sitting room. Can he get any closer to the TV?

Someone got a hold of the toilet paper...he's so proud of himself here.

Pajama bottoms in the diaper champ?!

Visit to BJ's

Watching Cars long after Cole went down for a nap...

Train ride at the mall

Hope everyone had a great weekend!

Friday, September 23, 2011


Is not a word that you would use to describe me. But I was inspired to step out of my comfort zone and do a little playroom project for Cole. My mom sent me a picture of this cool magnet wall to put up in the playroom that I just loved and really wanted to make it happen. We currently are in the process of finishing our basement where we plan to make a permanent playroom but for now we have made our living room Cole’s playroom. Anyhow here it is Cole’s new magnet wall;
magnet wall1
I bought an extra large oil pan from Walmart for $10 and some alphabet magnets for $1.Drilled some holes in it and hung it up.
magnet wall 2

After I few minutes I realized the magnets were way to small and fit perfectly in my little mans mouth :(. So I got on and order these JUMBO alphabet letters.

magnet wall

It was an inexpensive project that Cole just loves and I plan to keep looking for other age appropriate magnets for him to play with!

Happy Friday!

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Wordless Wednesday

Second Haircut was a success! I freaking love Pigtails and Crewcuts!

Look Mama its Mickey Mouse on TV!




All done and looking good!

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

One Marvelous Monday

Like most people when Monday rolls around I dread having to go back to work, the weekend goes by way to fast and leaves me wishing for just a few more hours with my family. Yesterday was no exception, the weekend had just slipped away and Monday was here again. So as Hubs and me laid in bed talking about what we had in store for the day we just couldn’t let go of this weekend for some reason. And that is when Hubs came up with best idea…VACATION DAY!! We both called into work requesting a Vaca Day and waited for Cole to wake to share the exciting news. While I’m sure he had no idea it was a Monday he must have just felt the excitement we were feeling. From the moment he woke up till bed time he was all smiles. We had one marvelous Monday hanging out as a family. And since I was having so much fun yesterday I forgot to take any pictures but I did take a few from the weekend…
Cole tickling Daddy ....
Saturday we had a little rain so we had some playtime in the garage. My kid is obsessed with Ladder Ball.
Sunday Morning...notice the child proof lock on the ground. Yea the kid has it all figured out!

Thursday, September 15, 2011

What I'm Reading these days....

I have decided to be proactive and start reading up some methods of discipline for toddlers. Thankfully tantrums are not a normal thing in our house right now but we have seen a few that has made us think , “Oh wow how do we handle this?!?”
Each family has their own method of discipline and what works for them. We are trying to find ours. Right now when Cole does something we don’t want him to do we tell him NO and then try are best to distract him with something else. This works the majority of the time but not always. In these cases we try to remove him from whatever is causing him to act out. I mean really the kid is only 14 months old and any real discipline besides NO would be lost on him. So what’s the next step? When distraction doesn’t work and a tantrum begins.

I’m really hoping to get some good ideas from these two books and by talking to some mamas I know.


Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Happy Birthday Cam!

(Early Birthday Celebration at Paladar)

I know you don’t like to make a big stink about your birthday so I will keep it short and sweet. You have such a sunny outlook on life it really influences every aspect in your life and inspires those around you. You are a loving Husband, an amazing Dada and my best Friend. We love you to pieces! So forget that diet (he’s lost 18 lbs!) and eat some cake today!!!

Monday, September 12, 2011


We will never forget. Time will never fade your memory.

Yesterday I was truly touched by the NFL's 9/11 tributes honoring all those lost 10 years ago. Standing with 77,000 other fans at the Ravens game chanting USA USA USA really gave me chills.

And how about them Ravens! It was the! True felt like a dream. :)

Friday, September 9, 2011

Happy Happy...


So much to be happy for today. Besides it being Friday which in it's on right is amazaballs! Today Cam accepted a new job offer! It is such an awesome opportunity for him and our family. Way to go babe! My grandpa turns 90 years old today, wow! And of course it's Purple Friday...Huge Ravens vs. Steelers game this Sunday! BRING IT ON!

I wish you a Happy Friday and hope you have a wonderful weekend!

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Wordless Wednesday

OK so maybe I shouldn't call it wordless since I always have something to say. But calling this post just Wednesday sounds silly. Don't you think? Anywho,today I had to go into the office and swim my way through the monsoons and serious thunderstorms that mother nature surprised us with today. Thankfully little man had a great day with his Grandma and seemed to be more then excited for some playtime when I got home tonight. He really loves playing in the curtains. Honestly the little man is lucky i let him even play for 5 mins today with them since this is the second time we had to hang them again since he has ripped them from the WALL. Oh the joy he finds in small things. Love him.

Playing in the curtains...


Taking a break to attempt a headstand?!?

Oh that was fun...drool to prove it :)

Hide and Seek time..

Look who I found!!!!
But all fun must end and I really didn't want the curtains coming down again so I told Cole to say bye bye to the curtains....
I don't think he was so to happy.Ha.