Tuesday, August 28, 2012

17 weeks

17 weeks! I have now officially entered into my fifth month of pregnancy! Time is just flying by and I can only imagine the next 160 days will too!

So I haven’t exactly been basking in the 2nd trimester bliss just yet, just when I think I’m in the clear I find myself sick again. Thankfully it happens less often. Last week, as I was sitting on the bathroom floor throwing up my mornings breakfast my little guy was right there making sure I was OK. He kept asking me if I was done choking, ha yep baby mama’s done choking.

This time around I seem to be getting lots of headaches, when I told my doctor this at my 16 week appointment his response was “Take Tylenol, it’s either the hormones or dehydration .I’m sure it’s not a brain tumor, I have only seen that once in 32 years.” My response “Oh goodness that’s awful” His response, “Yea she died right after having the baby”. Ummm…well thanks for that, brain tumor really?!? Stop the crazy talk! I forgot how straight forward and blunt this doctor can be!

I do seem to have more energy now, dancing around the kitchen with family doesn’t make me winded neither does carting around my 30 pound toddler. But I’m sure in the next few weeks this will all change.

Bathroom Picture at work of bump at 17 weeks.

How far along? 17 Weeks
Total weight gain/loss: + 4lbs
Maternity Clothes? Some pants…the great thing about it being warm is that I can still wear all of my dresses
Stretch Marks? nope
Sleep? I try to not drink anything after 8pm or else I pee 5 times a night. Otherwise sleep is good.
Best moment this week: Finding out we are having a little girl!
Movement? Yep!
Food Cravings: Grilled Cheese, bagels
Gender: GIRL
Belly Button in or out? In
What I am looking forward to: Buying clothes for a girl. They are so darn cute!  

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

It's A...





Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Typical Conversation with Cole

My boy and he's endless talking, from the moment he wakes till he goes down to sleep he is ALWAYS talking. I receive remarks everywhere we go on what talkative a little boy I have. "Hi, I said Hi" Cole shouts to passers by who don't respond with"Hi" quick enough.He surprises me on a daily basis. Of course hearing "mama, what are you doing?" for the 20th time in a half hour can be a little annoying. I can't help but smile every time he asks. So today I decided to take a little video of Cole and me having a little conversation. Oh my little 2yr. old ...I just love this age!

Tuesday, August 14, 2012

15 weeks

Oh poor Shinababy, it seems baby number 2 syndrome has taken place and I have not done a very good job of documenting this pregnancy. Things have been super busy with summer and my crazy never stop moving toddler but I must do better from now on!

The nausea has finally subsided and I’m starting to have some more energy. This time around the belly popped out at around 12 weeks. I have a serious beer belly going…it’s that in between stage when I don’t exactly look pregnant just fat. Joy. We got to see Shinababy a couple weeks ago at the genetic ultrasound scan, everything looks great! The profile picture they gave us during the scan looks very similar to Cole’s profile. For a brief second it made me think it may be a boy. But truly I don’t really have a gut feeling like I did with Cole. Will find out soon enough, I made my anatomy scan for September 7th but I think my impatient nature might get the best of me. I might go next week to find out, why wait if you can find out sooner?

So here it is, I tried to take a picture of the belly it turned out a little ghetto

How far along? 15 weeks

Total weight gain/loss: 1.5 lbs

Maternity Clothes? No, been able to wear lots of dresses and skirts.

Stretch Marks? Not yet

Sleep? This child is sitting on my bladder… I'm peeing every 1.5 to 2 hrs. during the night

Best moment this week: Vacation bliss…felt good all week!

Movement? Not yet

Food Cravings: nothing really, I guess any kind of carbs

Gender: Not sure yet…Hubs thinks girl

Belly Button in or out? In

What I am looking forward to: Finding out if Shinababy is boy or girl!  

Thursday, August 9, 2012


We have been on vacation for a week now and have a few more days left to really enjoy the last bits of summer. The beach didn't go exactly as planned due to a pretty sick toddler but the few days we did have when he felt well was lots of fun! Cole is still fearless when it involves running into the ocean..which can be very challenging when the water is rough. Hubs had to keep running up and down the shoreline trying to keep up with him. So funny to watch but not very relaxing. Ha.We spent more time at the pool then the beach which was fine by me. We picked up one of those puddle jumper floats for Cole before we left and man was that thing god sent...he swam on his own for hours!
We headed back from the beach early due to Cole's nasty virus but we seem to finally be in the clear and the fun continues!

I haven't gone through all my pictures but this is by far my favorite one.

Beach August 2012 065