Wednesday, March 28, 2012


Awhile back we went to the Zoo,the weather was perfect and it wasn't crowded at all. We haven't been since Cole was around 9 months old so I knew it was going to be an entirely different experience this time. In fact I'm not really sure why we even bothered bringing in the stroller all this kid wanted to do was run! He ran from one animal to the next shouting out what he saw. I loved watching him experience the animals up close. When he saw the leopard sleeping he shouted "wake up tiger"...I didn't have the heart to correct him. It was just to cute.  We flew from each animal to the next and before I knew it we were headed home. I can't wait to go back!

zoo8 Little Man wearing his new kicks

zoo5 Wake Up Tiger!


Loved the Rhinos



Feeding the Giraffe..wasn't very sure about it.


Monday, March 26, 2012

Tonight …We Are Young

So we set the world on fire. Yea so maybe were not that young but we sure did enjoy ourselves! Truth is the older I get the less and less I care about birthdays. I suppose its natural ,what’s so fun about turning 32?!
Well this year instead of the usual birthday dinner , Hubs pulled together a few friends and we headed out to Canton. St. Patty’s Day never disappoints. I seriously loved singing and dancing the evening away to some awesome live music. It really does something sweet to your soul. Just letting go. Enjoying the moment.


These girls made it one memorable birthday! I’m beyond grateful to have you all in my life.








I may have enjoyed the moment to much. The next day I paid dearly. Seems the older I get the harder it is to bounce back. But I wouldn’t trade that day for a minute!

Friday, March 23, 2012

Friday Films

I'm so behind on birthday, the zoo, our basement...the list goes on. But today I wanted to share two cute little videos of Cole.

Turn up the volume,he tends to whisper when he says he's ABC's ...


I love this cute!

Tuesday, March 20, 2012


cole o 

So I know I'm late on discovering this Dixie Chicks song, but oh how I'm in love. It makes me think of my sweet little boy.


They didn't have you where I come from
Never knew the best was yet to come
Life began when I saw your face
And I hear your laugh like a serenade

How long do you want to be loved
 Is forever enough, is forever enough
 How long do you want to be loved
 Is forever enough
Cause I'm never, never giving you up

 I slip in bed when you're asleep
To hold you close and feel your breath on me
Tomorrow there'll be so much to do
So tonight I'll drift in a dream with you

How long do you want to be loved
Is forever enough, is forever enough
How long do you want to be loved
 Is forever enough Cause I'm never, never giving you up

 As you wander through this troubled world
 In search of all things beautiful
You can close your eyes when you're miles away
And hear my voice like a serenade

How long do you want to be loved
Is forever enough, is forever enough
 How long do you want to be loved
Is forever enough
Cause I'm never, never giving you up

How long do you want to be loved
Is forever enough, is forever enough
How long do you want to be loved
 Is forever enough
Cause I'm never, never giving you up
Is forever enough
Cause I'm never, never giving you up  

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Happy Birthday Chris!

Today is Uncle Chris's 30th Birthday! You can kinda make out what Cole is saying...oh and check out the bed head. Poor kid got that from me.  

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Sun, Family, Friends and Green Beer!

Well like most people I’m seriously amazed by this weather we are having in MARCH. Best part… starting tomorrow I’m off work till Monday!!! Woohoo! My Five Day Birthday weekend will be in full effect! At least that’s what I’m calling it. Hubs not so much, “Sarah, your birthday is only one day”.Whatever. But he seems to be coming around to it fact he has really stepped up this year!

What’s in store for this birthday girl…oh just a trip to the zoo, brunch, birthday celebration in Baltimore with some of my favorites and a hotel stay for the night! If you have never experienced Baltimore on St. Patty’s Day weekend (aka my birthday weekend) then you’re missing out! While I might be turning 30 something we will be living it up like 25 year olds sans child! I can’t wait! And as for the weather…Hubs claims he planned that too.Ha.

It’s just what this homegirl needs… lots of sunny weather, family, friends, green beer and maybe some cake!

Really how good does this look?! Yum.Yum.Yum.


Friday, March 9, 2012

Lessons in LIfe

I have learned a lot about myself over the past few months. One thing for sure is I’m not good at is keeping issues to myself.

I have learned the hard way how hard it is to get pregnant. I feel like a fool at times. How could I be so ignorant to think I could control my fertility. I got pregnant right away with Cole. So I never even contemplated it wouldn’t happen just as fast. But I sit here now after months and months and months of ttc and still no baby. And it stings.

It has been an emotional, stressful and sometimes painful journey. I have good days when I don’t think about it all and then there are the bad days. The days I cry. I feel overwhelmed with the unknown. It really is a roller coaster ride. I truly worry for the safety of the next person who asks me “So when are you going to have another one?! “ I DON”T KNOW BACK OFF DUDE! Each day it feels like I hear or read about another person becoming pregnant and I think why not me? When will Cole get to have a sibling? What is wrong with me? Yea full out pity party. I hate the bad days. This is when I need help looking at the bigger picture.

One lesson I have learned through this all is not taking being Cole’s mama for granted. Not for one second. I’m blessed to have him. Hell I’m beyond lucky to have him. I’m a better mom today for going through this, learning to be more present and living in the moments with him . I truly believe that.

I don’t know what the future holds but today I have a beautiful family of three and I’m grateful for that. Today is a good day.  

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Wordless Wednesday

It's a playing in the dirt kind of day. Even on my hardest days you make me smile. 074



Saturday, March 3, 2012

20 months …Wow!


Cole turned 20 months this week. Holy cow. It goes without saying but man do I love that little boy. There really isn't anything better than watching him grow and learn. He’s happy go lucky personality is infectious. At yesterday’s 20 month checkup the Doctor told me I struck gold with this kid. Thanks Doc I couldn’t agree more. He then proceeded to scare me by saying, you know your second one is going to be a terror. Ha funny guy. 

Oh how I love this age, he’s so verbal and playful. Here’s what my little man is up to these days… 

 * Holy Verbal, He is a sponge. You say it ..he says it. He can put together 4 word sentences which is    
shocking to me. Like “Wheres it goes mama?” 

 * He still loves to play chase. He will say chase and if you don’t start chasing him…he says Chase Please over and over. Cute and exhausting. 

 * He likes to say mama over and over till I say Hi baby, he then responds Hi baby. 

 * Can’t seem to get enough of books and puzzles. The Melissa and Doug Shape puzzle with sounds is a favorite…and has really helped him learn his shapes. 

 * He seems to know all of his colors. If he’s unsure he says blue. To cute.


* Loves music. I played a nursery rhymes cd awhile back…not a smart move on my part. Now it all he wants to hear. Loves Bingo, Row Row Your Boat and Ring around the Rosy. I have caught him singing “ashes ashes fall down” numerous times.  

* Likes to jump into the pillows on our bed.As you can see in these pictures.  

* Loves Max the dog, he cuddles and sleeps with him every night.  

* Still a picky eater. Lives on fruit. 

* Says “coming” to you when he wants you to come somewhere. No matter how many times I say” do you mean mama come” he just keeps saying “coming”. 

* Wants to be outside 24/7


* Loves all things boy, balls, cars, airplanes, sticks and playing in dirt. 

* Says “ I farted” when he goes number 2 and then laughs. This is trouble. I guess it doesn’t help that I laugh too. 
* Mickey Mouse Clubhouse is still top notch. 

* Weighs in at 27 pounds and 33.5 inches tall. (75 percentile) 

* Still loves to sleep. 12hrs every night and one long nap every afternoon.


* Likes to clean. Sweep, Vacuum or Swiffer he wants to help. 

* Asks to take a bubble bath almost every night. 

* Climbs on me every day…basically walks up me like I’m a rock climbing wall. Fun but I take a beating. Ha. 

* Love the kitty cats. He loves giving them an obscene amount of treats. 

OK I that’s all I could think of right now…really the list could go on forever so I’ll stop here. Its these small details I don’t want to forget. I can’t believe how close he is to turning 2…I’m going to go cry now. Just kidding. Well kind of. :)  

Thursday, March 1, 2012

The Children’s Museum Rocks!

I can’t tell you how much we loved the Children’s Museum in Richmond this past weekend. As Hubs said this place Rocks! It’s more of an indoor imaginative playground then say a museum. It was a toddler’s heaven. We spent over 2hrs there letting Cole run around and explore this wondrous place.

Magic Beanstalk Climber



An Enchanted Castle and Market





The Pirates Cove


Sometimes he still lets his mama help him down the stairs :)


And of course the Wild Safari Train ...wasn't to sure about this one. Kept shouting All Done.


I love finding new things to experience with Cole.Watching his little face smile with excitement makes my day.






Obviously I was super excited too.Oh man look at the goofy cheesy grin I'm flashing. Oh well…were great memories made? You bet!