Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Oh Poo

Over the last 10 months there have been a lot of things I have learned about being a mother. Things you don't really read about in any baby book or for that matter even hear many mom's talk about it. Poop. Yes I said poop. As a new mother you never realize how much poop you will deal with in the first year. Yea the occasional blow out that requires a wardrobe change are to be expected. However nothing prepared me for what occurred last week. If you have a weak stomach stop reading now.

Anyway, Cole was acting a bit tired...rubbing his eyes and yawning so I but him down for a nap. I closed the door and went to my room to fold laundry and watched him on the monitor. He rolled around talking and playing with his blanket. I watched him stand up and then lay back down. After about 20 minutes it was apparent he wasn't going to sleep so I went it to get him.

My first thought when I looked at him was ,Is that chocolate on your hands?! Then I realized as I looked into the crib. It was not chocolate. It was poop. Sometime in those 20 minutes he had a huge blowout and it was everywhere! On his bumper, he's sheets,his blanket and his HANDS! Thankfully it appeared that he had not put his hands in his mouth but the idea he was playing in it still grosses me out! I wasn't going to share my experience but hey life as a mom isn't always glamours it can be very humbling.



Linda said...

awww...the age old poop story...yes you aren't the first one...hahha! Good attitude Mom!

Lowry Fam said...

That's when you just take it to the shower.