Friday, December 14, 2012

32 weeks...almost 33!

So we are under 60 days, I hit 32 weeks on Monday and have now entered my 8 month of pregnancy! I mean she could be here next month…though I’m still feeling like she will be a February baby.

At my doctor appointment, little lady is doing great and is measuring right at 32 weeks. She is also heads down already so that’s good. My blood pressure has been very normal and I’m hoping it stays this way till the end. With Cole around 37 weeks it started creeping up, nothing alarming but in the end it ultimately led to me be induced right at 40 weeks. My doctor explained to me the chances of preeclampsia happening during your second pregnancy is very slim. I did however find out this awesome itchy rash I have on one side of my lower belly is PUPP. Never heard of it? It stands for pruritic urticarial papules and plaques…it’s a mouth full. It occurs in 1% of pregnant women, it’s a hives like rash that is very itchy that can cover the belly. It causes no harm to the baby or me. From what I have read it’s very common in women’s first pregnancy, carrying twins or having boys. Yea I’m none of the above. I will however be making sure it’s still a girl at my 36 week ultrasound just in case. It’s a very minor case and thankfully has not spread but it can be pretty itchy and annoying.

For the most part I still feel pretty good. The pregnancy waddle has not occurred yet and I still seem to be able to cart around my 32 pound toddler with no real pain. Its amazing how different this pregnancy has been from my first. Yes morning sickness sucked and my short stink with back pain was no fun but I feel 100% better right now than I did the first time around. I really hope this lasts for at least a few more weeks.

How far along? 32 weeks and 5 day

Weight: +17.5 lbs, that’s 4 lbs in the last month. It’s coming on fast now!

Stretch Marks? Yes on my belly. Honestly I think they are from Cole it’s just now that my belly is bigger you can really see them.

Sleep? Peeing all the time. Sometimes it’s hard for me to fall back asleep.

Best moment this week: Emery’s Nursery, it’s basically done!

Movement? Yes, tons! She really likes to stretch out which can be a bit uncomfortable for me.

Food Cravings: Grilled Cheese, Chocolate

Gender: Girl

Labor Signs: NO

Belly Button in or out? In

What I miss: Normal clothes..I refuse to buy anymore maternity clothes and I'm just sick of what i have!

What I am looking forward to: Christmas and spending a ton of time with my family  :)


Lowry Fam said...

Hang in there Sarah. It sounds like you are doing great. I can't wait for you to have a little girl. You are going to love it! I hope I get to meet her in the near future.

Lowry Fam said...

Hang in there Sarah. It sounds like you are doing great! I cant wait until you have a girl. You are going to love it!

Shellsea said...

How exciting! I need to borrow these questions for my weekly update that I've yet to do.