Wednesday, April 7, 2010

28 weeks! Third Trimester...the home streach!

The last trimester, the final 3 months, double digits, the home stretch! Anyway you say it at the end of this trimester we will have baby boy Cole! I had my 28 week checkup today and everything looks good! Cole's heartbeat was 140 and he was kicking up a storm during the checkup! I also got back my Gestational Screening results, I PASSED thank god! The thought of having to do the three hour test, which includes fasting for 12hrs before just didn't sound like to much fun! Normally once you hit the third trimester your doctor will ask you to come back every two weeks till the final month then every week. Since things have been so good so far (knock on wood) my doctor said I don't need to comeback till 32 weeks. Then the visits will become more frequent and June will be here before we know it!

There has definitely been a shift that has taken place from how or what is going on in my pregnancy to what and how will I take care of my baby when he arrives! While of course I have read and thought about this prior to now, it now consumes most of my thoughts. I want to be as prepared as possible for the expected and unexpected. I'm in the process of reading the Baby Whisperer, its a bit overwhelming at times but it does help to have some ready knowledge about my baby's eating, sleeping and activity routine in my back pocket! I keep reminding myself that I need to not put so much pressure on myself to be the perfect mom, I will make mistakes and I will learn from them. One thing is for sure I'm going to love that little boy so much that I will find a way to make everything work!

28 weeks belly shots;

How far along? 28 weeks and 1 day

Weight: Sadly I must report that I'm +24 pounds with about 11.5 weeks to go. My hopes of staying in the 25-35 recommended weight gain seem very slim.

Stretch Marks? None on the belly & legs as of now! Thank God!

Sleep?Lately I'm on the every other night schedule. One night, I'm up about every two hours peeing, trying to get comfortable, numbness in my hip, or sheer pain in my side from flipping to fast in my sleep. The next night, I sleep like a rock due to the lack of sleep the night before.

Best moment this week: Seeing Cole's Sweet Face in the 3D ultrasound!

Movement? Yes, tons! He's currently positioned with his head near the left of my pelvis with his body and legs stretched across to right under my right side rib cage. After seeing him in the ultrasound this week it seems lots of the movement I feel is him moving his little legs up to his face!

Food Cravings: Chocolate, I have been good and have restricted this to sugar free pudding. I would also have to say banana bread!

Gender: Boy!

Labor Signs: NO

Belly Button in or out? barely in

What I miss: being able get up from by favorite corner seat on our couch without some real effort. I have to wiggle myself to the edge then lift my self up.

What I am looking forward to: The amazing weather and taking walks with my hubby after work.

Weekly Wisdom: Try not to bite your husband's head off when he asks why you don't use the Treadmill more?! He means well. But really how does he expect a pregnant women to not take that question to heart! Are you saying I need to be on the treadmill more?! That I'm fat?!...deep breath...

Milestone this week: Booked the photographer Kristin Staples for Cole. We have been instructed to call her the day we have Cole and within a week of his delivery she will be coming to our house to take newborn shots of our baby boy!


CarolinaCundiffs said...

Lookin good Mama!! Kristin's pics are unbelievable!! Can't wait to see Cole's newborn shots!

Linda said...

Almost....dont guys will be the most loving of parents! Cant go wrong there!