Wednesday, May 5, 2010

32 Weeks!

So we are under 60 days, I have hit 32 weeks and have entered my 8 month of pregnancy! Some days it feels like I have been pregnant forever...but when I think that Cole could be here next month it seems like we are on warp speed now!

We started birthing classes last night, it's one class a week for 4 weeks. The first class went good, lots of what they went over I already knew from reading but it was a lot of new information for Cam. They talked about third trimester symptoms, signs of labor, timing contractions, pre-term labor and warning signs of problems. We also went over some breathing techniques and relaxations techniques for the Spouse to do. Of course Cam and me are like 5 year olds and laughed the whole time we practiced these relaxation techniques. Honestly for me there was only one thing ...the rubbing of my forehead that actually seemed relaxing the others seemed annoying! ha ha...

This morning we had my 32 week checkup, all is going good! I asked the doctor if she could tell us which way Cole was positioned. After a bit of prodding it was what I had suspected...Our little boy is heads down and ready! She even commented that his head was VERY low in my pelvic area...explains the pain. And she confirmed the position with the reading of his heartbeat! I'm so excited about this because the chances of him moving from this position are very slim and my wish to have a vaginal birth seems more real!

I have officially hit the 30 pound weight gain. My doctor doesn't seemed concerned one bit and told me very nicely "It looks like you will be at the top of the recommended weight by the end, but no worries you look great!" She also informed us that they do a standard ultrasound for everyone at 36 weeks to confirm the babies position and weight....this is a great surprise to me! I wasn't sure if we were going to get to seem him before his big arrival so I'm totally psyched!

How far along? 32 weeks

Baby's weight: Cole is around 4lbs!

Stretch Marks? None on my tummy and hoping it stays that way

Sleep? Hip pain has caused me some loss of shut eye, but the doctor has told me to lay on my back and just prop up one of my hips to allow circulation. Hopefully this helps because the whole pillow between the leg thing DOES NOT WORK!

Best moment this week: Cam and Me not realizing that we were suppose to bring pillows to are first birthing class...first parent duty...FAIL! We improvised and didn't seem to really need the pillows anyway!

Movement? Yes, I can feel him turning just his head...digging into my pelvic bones. The best is seeing his little butt bump bulge out when he moving it!

Food Cravings: Sweets and carbs...great for weight gain! :(

Gender: Boy!

Labor Signs: No, however I did experience my first Braxton hicks contraction. It felt like a muscle cramp in my side tightening my belly. It only lasted like 2min and I haven't had any since.

Belly Button in or out? In and I'm thinking this may not change. By the end it may just shut completely no hole to be seen!

What I am looking forward to: Mother's Day on Sunday...Celebrate My wonderful Mom and Mother-in-law!

Weekly Wisdom: At this stage in pregnancy you will hear the same question over and over again "Wow, you must be close to the end huh?" My response use to be " I have __ many weeks left" now my response is "Yes sometime next month" no details besides that needed! Otherwise you may receive responses from people you don't wanna hear!?!?


The Gearys said...

So happy he is down and ready to go! 55 more days!! WOW

Linda said...

Woo hoo...he is behaving already! Can't wait til he gets here!

Let it B said...

Your doctor was right, you do look GREAT!!!!! Can't wait until your shower ;)