Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Baby Food Love

Before Cole started on solids I made the decision that I wanted to make all his baby food. There are some great organic baby food choices out there, but I loved the idea that of making his food from scratch with fresh foods. I received this So Easy Kit at my baby shower and it was a great starter kit. The recipes are pretty basic and made everything very EASY.

I'm not exactly what you would call a wiz in the kitchen ,I was a little worried but it takes about 30 mins every week to prepare enough food for a week to a week and a half. All you need is a good peeler and a blender and your good to go. I do suggest investing in some 2oz and 4oz containers for freezing if you cook a bunch of different foods at one time. Some of the foods I have made for Cole are pears, applesauce, sweet potatoes and butternut squash. We have a great variety of foods all ready to go in our freezer.

Now that Cole has tried a lot of different foods and seems to love them all. I can start to try some more recipes with more ingredients. This book below is on my wish list...

Its the first time I'm actually excited to cook, guess it took becoming a Mom to make me more domestic. :)


K Ervick said...

That book looks amazing! My mom got it for me and I can't wait to try it in a month or two. Let us know what you think.

CarolinaCundiffs said...

We are a few weeks away from solids here! I definitely want to check out easy foods and make G's food. Great ideas and encouraging to know that I will be able to handle making the food in limited time!

Linda said...

Yes....we are looking forward to diving into the Baby Love book! Some of the adult recipes look good as well!!