Friday, June 1, 2012

Friday Films

I have taken LOTS of videos of Cole but never take the time to upload them until today. So Friday Films should be a regular thing if I can just remember to post them now. Ha. My son really really loves the song We Are Young by Fun.. I wouldn't say we play it more than any other song but for some reason this one song makes him want to sing and dance. He's learned most of the chorus and loves to shout it at the top of his longs. Ahhh it makes me smile. Disclaimer to these videos, please ignore the adults singing in the videos. We can't sing at all and some (umm hubs) don't seem to know all the words.


 Happy Friday!  


Coco said...

love him!

The Gearys said...

Chad and I could not stop smiling and laughing at these!