Monday, December 19, 2011

Homestead Gardens

OK so before it gets to late I wanted to write about our visit to Homestead Gardens this season. They really do an amazing job to get you in the Christmas Spirit. With over 100's of different tree's decorated, some very traditional and others a bit more unique it has a little something for everyone. I seemed to be drawn to the more unique ones. Cole loved walking around looking and of course touching everything.
Homestead 078

Homestead 081

Homestead 082

Homestead 085

Homestead 097

And of course the main attraction the enormous holiday train display that any train lover would drool over. Heck I kinda drooled over it. There is such amazing detail and love put into the display it's hard not to be in awe.

Homestead 047

Homestead 021

Homestead 014

Homestead 076

Homestead 056

I plan on taking Cole back over the next week to see the trains again. And of course hear him say "Choo Choo" like 523 times.

1 comment:

The Gearys said...

What a little paradise for kids!