Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Kinda Wordless Wednesday

We went shopping a few weeks ago and happened to walk through Bass Pro Shop, it's become a must these days since Cole is a bit obsessed with the elaborate stuffed animals on display. They also have a huge fresh water tank with tons of fish. So anyway, while walking through we came across Santa. There was no line and they give you a picture for free. I wasn't sure what to expect but little man handled it pretty darn well. This picture is pretty ghetto, notice the stuffed Reindeer beside Santa..umm yea.. but what can I say it was FREE.

Santa 2011

Over this Holiday season, Cole has learned many new words like Snowman, Reindeer and Santa. The best part is he points them out everywhere and shouts Snowman or Santa. He's even picked up a new trick , when I ask him "What does Santa say?" He says "HoHoHo", then gives me a huge grin. Adorable! Crazy how much he has changed since last year.



1 comment:

gkos said...

I don't think it is ghetto at all, love the reindeers. Better than the lawn chair at Homested!