Wednesday, November 28, 2012

So Very Thankful!

This thanksgiving went by so fast and it was fully packed with 2 turkey dinner meals to fill our tummy's. I didn't take many pictures and that's OK. If thanksgiving taught me anything this's to be thankful for your loved ones. Hold them tight ...we take for granted the time we have to spend with them. Time can be so fleeting so remember to tell them how you feel and be grateful for now.

Hubs and me both had a few days off for this holiday so we were able to enjoy lots of time with family, hunting down our Christmas tree, shopping and introducing Elf on the Shelf to Cole.

It was a prefect laid back weekend that ended with one of the most amazing comebacks from the Baltimore Ravens. Ray Rice, 4th and worries he's got it! WOW!

Cole and his GG
nov 054 

GG and my Grandpa
 nov 034

This turkey is almost fully cooked
 nov 027

Dada reading to Cole
 nov 025

nov 022

My dad set up a Little train set for Christmas and of course for Cole. Yea he loves it! nov 012

My love
 nov 007 

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