Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Wishing it Away

I told myself I wasn't going to write about this on here but I feel compelled too since I tend to stalk other blogs reading how other new mom's are doing it. What I'm I talking about? Getting rid of this pregnancy weight!

Weight pre-pregnancy was always a struggle, I'm not blessed with a fast metabolism and have always had to work at keeping trim. When I became pregnant with Cole all this went out the window, I stopped working out and ate anything and everything. The scale tipped +45 by the time Cole arrived.

Is it to much to ask to just want to fit into my old clothes?!I HATE buying clothes in my "new" size today. To be healthy and feel good about myself is my goal. I want to be the best version of myself for me, Cam and of course Cole.

Thankfully with little effort from me, all but 15 pounds of it went away almost immediately. I started working out around 8 weeks consistently but found it was going to be a slow road back. I think the extra 15 pounds and no physical activity for 10 months made working out impossible. My legs, knees and back killed every time I ran. So I started walking, then walking/running, and now slowly just running. And in 4 weeks I lost 5lbs...nothing crazy but I want to lose it the healthy way and not do some fad diet.

The real struggle for me is fitting in the time to workout since going back to work, when I'm not at work I want to spend that time with Cole and Cam not hitting the treadmill. The two weeks since I have been back I have worked out a total of 3 times. Pathetic! How do women balance being a mom, having a full time job and working out? Thankfully Cam realizes this struggle and we are now having our house cleaned every other week to give us both more time with Cole and each other.

I suppose I have two options...way before the sun rises at 5am or working out after Cole has gone to bed at 7:30pm. Don't even get me started about trying to lift weights or do sit ups. Fitting in a run is as far as my mind can handle right now. I'm going to start running at night and see how that goes. I'm hoping by being open with this on this blog thing..it will help me stay motivated!

So here's to losing these last 10 pounds before the New Year! It's going to take a lot of work and lots of self control over the holidays but I'm ready!


Linda said...

There is only so much time in a day...spend it with Cam and Cole. The rest will happen! You love lovely!

Linda said...

HAha...you LOOK lovely! can't type!

The Gearys said...

I think you are doing an awesome job, Momma!