Monday, January 17, 2011

Back to Reality

After an wonderful Vaca to Vegas with hubby and some amazing friends it's back to Reality. Oh how I wish my only job was to watch Cole. Instead I have to commute 45min both ways to work and tomorrow there calling for snow early morning which usually means lots of traffic.dislike.

Anyway Vegas was awesome! We stayed at Aria located in the City Center, I really can't say I disliked anything about the hotel it was top notch. We got to hang out with our friends sans kids, win some money and eat great food. I just wish I could have gotten more sleep but I suppose Vegas really isn't known for that.:)
4 nights away from little man was as much as I could handle, it feels great to be back and just love all over him.I took a few pictures but not nearly as many as I had wished to. Actually I only took pictures the first

Waterfalls outside Aria

Hubs first time in Vegas


Lobby in Aria

The only picture I took of the Girls on the them!


Linda said...

It is so nice that you guys got to all spend that time in Vegas. Us Grandmas loved the baby time!! filled the college fund with all your winnings!!

The Gearys said...

Great way to start of 2011!!!