Monday, January 10, 2011

Oh Happy Day!

I was on a mission the moment I got home Friday evening from work. I gave Cole tons of smooches and told him that tonight he would be going to sleep in his crib. Low and behold he did just that! After the usual bedtime routine, I kissed him goodnight hoping this would not be to dramatic for both him and me. Right away he spit out the pacifier. Oh crap here we go. Then the winy not really crying started. Then the crying. I waited 3 minutes. 3 minutes felt like forever. I went in put his pacifier in and he closed his eyes and turned his head and off to sleep he went.Ummm wait, did that just really happen ...3 minutes is all he needed?!? What a huge relief...but now I thought would it last. At around 11pm, he started screaming...yes screaming with his eye's sealed shut. I wanted to just run right in and pick him up but I waited. I had to wait.I waited 5min till I sent Cam in to soothe him. No go, the screaming continued. I watched the clock...10 min...that's how long we were prepared to wait...then at minute 8 he reached to his side picked up his pacifier and proceeded to put it back in his mouth and fall asleep.He stayed that way till 7am. God bless my child for being so resourceful! We all woke up Saturday morning feeling so rested. Oh Happy Day!

The next two nights went even smoother, and required no clock watching. Cole went right to sleep and seems to be back to his old ways! He's even sleeping more now, 7pm to 7am! I do believe it worked so well because Cole was more then ready to go back to his crib he just needed a little help from us to get him back in the swing of things.

And now I have my bed back. My husband back in bed. And sleep. Oh how I have missed my sleep. Thanks for all the suggestions and ideas from my fellow mommies, it really was so helpful!


The Gearys said...


Linda said...

YIPPEEE! I know you must be excited...and your Mom...since she is babysitting for Vegas!! HAHA!!