Friday, March 11, 2011


Progress has been made.Over the last two weeks I have kept up with my workouts and I'm finally starting to see some results. While there hasn't been any huge weight loss, the number on the scale has gone down and my clothes are fitting better. Last night I decided to try on my pre-pregnancy jeans...last time I did this I about cried cause I could barely button them but folks this is no more! Not only did they fit they were not skin tight! I danced around in them all over my bedroom while Hubs watched in disbelief that fitting into my jeans could make me so happy! Man who would have thought that actually working out consistently would help my lose weight?! Insert sarcastic smile here.

Its just the motivation I needed to keep working out. To keep making an effort to get healthy. Right now I workout three times a week, each workout I run about 2.5 miles and lift weights after. I would love to go four times a week but that would mean weekend workouts. And lets be honest, I NEVER workout on the weekends. The weekends I just try my best to not eat to bad and limit the glasses of wine to 2. For now I'm OK with that. One small step forward.


Lowry Fam said...

I'm clapping for you right now! My wieght is coming off slowly but surely too. It would help if I was eating a bit better and excersizing regularly. Maybe your success will motivate me!

The Gearys said...

Sarah, that's just awesome!!! I am sure you feel great :-) watch out obx:-)