Friday, October 14, 2011

Random Friday

Random Friday thoughts, yea that's all I have for the blog today. I'm so freaking tired today. I don't know if it's the rainy weather or that work has been so busy i just can't seem to find the energy to do much of anything. Cole on the other hand has nothing but energy in fact he seems to be ready to drop his morning nap. This my friends was something I really was hoping wouldn’t happen for a few more months but apparently little man has different plans. This transition to one nap a day has not been easy or either of us. I love my child but I need that morning nap! It gave me time to recharge, alone time & to get things done around the house. This no longer exists.

About 2 months ago he started to turn his morning naps into playtime in his crib. He has been back in forth since then. We have a very unique schedule with family, the nanny and me watching him during the week so it’s been tricky to get a hang of this change. The struggle is getting him to sleep longer in the afternoon so he can make it to his bedtime. One nap means early bed time. We are letting Cole take the lead. So if he needs to go to bed at 6pm like last night its OK. And when I had to tell the nanny to wake him up this morning because it was almost 9am it's OK. Seriously though?! I don’t think I have ever slept 15 hours straight. Ever.

Like most things I know this too shall pass. I will just have to adjust and learn from Cole what works best for him. Just when I thought I had things figured out he switches it up. He defiantly keeps things interesting.

On a completely different matter I think I have figured out Cole’s Halloween costume. I just wish he was excited about it.

If I get even one good picture of him in it Halloween weekend I will be lucky, the kid does not like anything on his head! But I will torture him cause he looks so darn cute!

OK my rambling is all over the place. Happy Friday Everyone!

1 comment:

The Gearys said...

Omg, Sarah! I love him in his costume.