Thursday, January 5, 2012

Aquarium- Part 1

Over my glorious 2 weeks off during the Holidays I really wanted to spend some quality time with Cole. Take him somewhere fun that he could run around and explore. You know what I discovered …Winter blows. Most of the amazing activities around us are more favorable when it’s warmer outside, I suppose that it’s like that everywhere. Taking him to the mall to run around was not an option even thinking about dealing with all the crazies there Christmas shopping made my head spin. Children’s Museum nice option but not exactly age appropriate for an 18month old. So what did we end up doing…the Aquarium.
Yes he had been before but it was before he was running walking everywhere and it was so busy it was hard to see anything. This time was completely different. Going in the middle of the week when kids are still in school or were off with their families Christmas shopping was one brilliant idea. If I don’t say so myself. We had full range of everything. Little man could walk right up to tanks and see all sorts of fishes. He would run from one exhibit to another one with no worries at all. He’s favorite by far was the turtles. He kept running back to the turtle tank to look at them again.

Listening to the bubbles
 aquariam 018
 Look GG aquariam 022 aquariam 029 Turtles! aquariam 041 aquariam 042 aquariam 063
With his GG looking at more turtles aquariam 097 Looking very grown up
 aquariam 102
More about our trip to the Aquarium tomorrow...  

1 comment:

Mycharmingcolors said...

Is this in Baltimore? Im so going to have to take Judah, I didn't know they have a "children's museum". I was just telling my husband this past weekend that we should try to take Judah to the Baltimore Aquarium. We took him to some petstore on Saturday and he loved the little fishies. We live in Northern VA :-) Baltimore is not to far from us