Monday, October 15, 2012

The Zoo

Awhile back I took Cole to the Baltimore Zoo. It had been awhile since we had gone and at this age everything is a new experience. He just loved it! We covered every square inch of the place with zero breaks...I tried to beg him to stop for some food but homeboy was on a mission. He NEEDED to see it all so we did. This time the penguins put on a good show by jumping in and out of the water and swimming around. Cole really got a kick out of this and he didn't budge for at least 15minutes watching them do there thing. The Chimps once again scared the living day out of him. I get it they are huge and when a chimp comes up to the window and bangs on kinda freaks me out too! The weather was great and it seemed all the animals were out and enjoying it, we got to see them all up close which was a real treat.

And now a crap load of pictures of Mama and Cole's day at the Zoo.

Zoo 005

Zoo 006

Zoo 017

Zoo 020

Zoo 028

Zoo 037

Zoo 038

Zoo 044

Zoo 087

Zoo 072

Zoo 097

Zoo 116

Zoo 060 

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