Thursday, February 18, 2010

Holy Hip Pain!!!

The past three nights of sleep have been rudely interrupted by awful hip pain! Since sleeping on your back is frowned upon while pregnant and attempting to lay on my stomach scares me (might hurt Cole),laying on my sides is the only way I can sleep. I suppose it could be the ever growing belly and weight gain that has made sleeping on my sides extremely painful. Take last night for example, I fell asleep on my left side and about 2 hours later I'm awoken to throbbing pain on my left hip so I turn to my right side for 2 hours then I'm awoken to throbbing pain on my right side and the viscous cycle begins! I believe it is time I look into buying a body pillow which I hope helps with this restless sleep! I'm afraid this is just the beginning of me not getting my wonderful nights of slumber. :(

1 comment:

CarolinaCundiffs said...

Ouch! Hope you can figure out how to get a good nights sleep soon! I've heard wonderful things about the body pillows. I'm going with the "Snoogle" (BuyBuyBaby)that wraps behind your back and through your legs and has a place for your head. I keep rolling to my back and then wake up in fear that I've harmed the baby= lots of lost sleep! Good Luck !!