Monday, October 11, 2010

World Traveler

I did it I actually took Cole on his first plane trip by MYSELF! Yea I know to some veteran mommies this is a walk in the park but I was very anxious about it. Our destination was Chicopee, Massachusetts for my cousin Rachel's baby shower. I kept trying to picture it all out...wake him up and feed him at 6am then have a bottle ready for the flight which left at 8am. Seemed simple enough except I kept thinking what if he doesn't get his catnap in before the flight left? To me it seemed like the perfect storm...extremely sleepy baby who is far past falling asleep on his own crying his eyes out ...stuck on a plane! So when Saturday morning rolled around to my delight Cole woke up own his own at 5:45am, I fed him before we left and off to the airport we went. Being the wonder women I'm (ha), I told Cam not to worry about parking and coming in with us. I can handle the stroller, diaper bag, suitcase and baby...and I did! I checked our bag and got through security (note breaking down a stroller and hurling it onto the security belt while holding a baby = not easy). We had about 30 min. until boarding so I walked around trying to get Cole to fall asleep. But he didn't sleep at all, standing in the boarding line (BTW so annoying they don't let babies get on before everyone else) Cole is there rubbing his eyes and yawning...I was all ready for a full out cry! But much to my surprise he never let out a peep he sat there in my lap watching everyone board, I pulled out his little Mozart music toy with lights and it kept him entertained. As soon as the plane started moving toward the runway he started to cuddle up in my arms and fall asleep. Cole slept the entire flight! My arm was half asleep by the end of it but he did great! So now he's ready to travel the world! Well maybe not just yet...
The rest of the weekend went great, it was great to introduce Cole to so much family and to celebrate the upcoming arrival of Ella Grace! <3


The Gearys said...

What a perfect little angel!! I knew he would do well. And kudos to you, Momma! That's hard work:-)

Linda said...

You are a brave lady!! He is such a good sleeper...lucky you!