Thursday, September 1, 2011

Mac n Cheese is Gross!

Yea if my son could speak he would be shouting those words while launching his car shaped mac n cheese across the kitchen! The food struggle that started about 3 months ago continues today. I was hoping it was just a phase he was going through but this behavior seems to be sticking around and I’m at a loss on what to do about it. Every single day I struggle to get Cole to eat 3 meals. Hell I would be happy if he ate even 2 whole meals everyday. And it’s not that he’s just a picky a eater because trust me I would let him eat grilled cheese everyday if he would eat it. But with Cole what works one day isn’t promised to work the next day. Most nights around 6:30pm it looks like there was a legit food fight in my kitchen. I spend lots of time picking up food from the ground while trying to come up with something else he might eat. I know this can’t all be because I have a picky eater on my hands but a toddler trying to test his boundaries. But what do I do? Remove him from his high chair once he starts throwing his food? I can’t help but feel like I’m starving him. Do I move on to another food option that might end up in his tummy and not the floor? Is catering to this behavior only making it worse? The one thing he can’t seem to get enough of is his milk. The boy drinks it like it’s going to of style. But that can’t be enough for a growing boy.

I have searched the world wide web on what will solve this issue….bottom line is consistency. If he’s going to throw his food on the ground then meal time is over. When he is ready to eat he will eat. I’m going to try and take this approach and remind myself that he’s not starving. Hell the boy weighs 27 pounds…not sure how since he barley eats but I’m hoping this makes meal time easier for all of us.

1 comment:

The Gearys said...

My son used to be such a good eater. Salmon, Steak, Asian, Persian, you name it, he ate it. When he got to be about 16-18 months, he started exuding his mealtime independence and I wanted to cry. I put in so much work to make him eat well!
He still eats well for the most part, but there are some evenings when he pushes his dinner plate away and I get so angry inside. I normally give him a few minutes and try again. If he continues, I make one alternative and that's it. The alternative has to be quick and easy. Once he gets to the age of true understanding, he eats what we make or he doesn't eat for the night. That will be our rule. If he misses a meal here and there, he'll be just fine.
Keep doing your best. Obviously it is working with him being 27 lbs and all:-)