Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Toddler Time

Well we survived the hurricane. We really lucked out and didn’t lose power like most of our town. We did however lose cable and Internet…Womp Womp. So blogging will be limited until Comcast gets their act together and we are back up and running.

Saturday before the brunt of the storm hit us we headed out to the mall to let Cole burn off some energy and wonder around. I have discovered that my son no longer wants to be held nor sit in a stroller. He must walk. So we walked the mall at a snail’s pace while he swayed his arms back in forth enjoying his new found freedom. I dared to pick him up once to avoid impending crowds approaching but learned my lesson quickly….he kicked and squirmed till he was set back down. Seriously?! How quickly life changes. I know nothing about raising a toddler. My strong willed independent little man and me have a lot to learn. While this new phase is exciting it's also a little terrifying.


photo (2)

I mean how cute is that?!?

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